Good friends. Now there's a treasure. I don't know whether you've had the blessing of being part of a circle of friends who make meals when a baby arrives, babysit so you can have a date night, bring a box of old books/ CD's/ DVD's/ children's clothes to Bible study and announce, "I don't need these anymore. Take what you want," comment on your blog, send you silly virtual Christmas gifts on Facebook, share fresh veggies from a special garden, shoot an email to follow up on a prayer request you had three months ago, drop cookies by your house because they made a few extra, etc. The list really could go on and on and on. But if you have been part of a group of ladies like this, you'll know that it is a living testimony of the love of Jesus in the church.
This season, take time to connect with your friends. There are many things you can do to get together and celebrate. Whether you meet at a home or a restaurant, for coffee or for a meal. Whether you have a potluck dinner or a catered affair, the main point is to be together and enjoy one another's company. Catch up on what has happened since you were all together.
And add in a little fun, like...
... swap cookies and recipes
... exchange white elephant gifts
... trade Christmas ornaments
... bring wrapped handmade gifts and draw to see who gets what
... make a Christmas craft... ornament, jewelry, gift bag, storage bin, recipe holder, etc.
... donate socks or blankets or hats to the Rescue Mission
... collect books for an after-school tutoring program
... make a giant gift basket of pampering items (nail polish, lotions, bubble bath, etc.) for a group home for girls
... bring a baby gift or gift card for a local pregnancy support agency
... assemble exam survival kits for college students
... sing Christmas carols
... update the praises and prayer requests since you last met
... bring a picture of your favorite Christmas as a child... put all the pictures on a table... guess who is who... share your Christmas memory
... exchange teas or coffees or scarves or mittens or socks or Christmas cards or coffee mugs or tea cups or t-shirts or notepads or framed hand-written Bible verses or books or DVDs or hand lotion or candles/tarts or dishtowels, etc.
Whatever you do... have fun together, building each other up in faith and love.

Got an idea for a great Friend Gathering? Make sure you share it in a comment!
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