You can tune your radio to a Christian station any day of the year and hear Christians singing to and about God. But for a few weeks each year we can hear something really spectacular -- secular artists singing praises to their Maker.
O holy nightWhy is this so neat? I believe their voices on these Christmas songs prove that each and every one of us was made to worship God.
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night
Of our dear Savior's birth...
Long lay the worldYou can find many artists singing traditional songs written to celebrate the birth of Christ, and some of the most beautiful, most moving versions are by men and women who have never publicly claimed to know or follow Jesus.
In sin and error pining
'Til He appeared
And the soul felt its worth...
A thrill of hopeOne wonders how you could sing the words of these songs and not be moved by them. Maybe we've heard them too many times. But these songs are the Gospel in musical form. I believe they must penetrate the heart on some level.
The weary world rejoices!
For yonder breaks
A new and glorious morn!
Truly He taught usThere is one song in particular, a medley of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and "We Three Kings" that especially stirs my heart. The song is sung by BNL (for short) and Sarah McLachlan, musical artists who are not in any way known for loving Jesus. But you know when you hear Sarah sing the words, "Glorious now, behold Him arise/ King and God and sacrifice/ Alleluia, Alleluia..." that her voice has never sounded more beautiful.
To love one another
His law is love
His gospel is peace...
Chains shall he breakWe were made to worship Him.
For the slave is our brother
And in His name
All oppression shall cease...
Sweet hymns of joyOnly Him.
In grateful chorus raise we
Let every heart
Adore His holy name...
Christ is the Lord!Kinda makes you want to fall on your knees, doesn't it?
Oh praise His name forever!
His power and glory
Evermore proclaim!
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